
Barrygruff is an Irish based music blog and the jist is pretty simple; to share some musical musings with a wider audience than my mates down the pub or wherever.

I used to do regular guest posts for Nialler9‘s brilliant music blog as well as numerous other sites.  As 2010 began with employment prospects looking bleak and dole queues lengthening, I finally decided to take plunge and start blogging regularly. In addition to the blog I also put on a regular series of ‘BarryGruff Presents’ gigs in Newbridge & Dublin.  

I also do some freelance journo stuff (some times PR too) for who and wherever really. I also write a few bits n bobs for State.ie, Lookleft Magazine and Rabble when time allows. As well as music I’m pretty obsessive about politics, history and football.

Thanks for stopping by.


Anyone wishing to contact me, bands, artists, etc. you can do so at: barrygruff[at]gmail[dot]com – It isn’t possible to post about everything I get sent. Please remember this is a one man operation but I try to listen to as much of it as possible.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

[If you are the copyright owner of any media posted and would like it to be taken down, just contact me. If you like something you hear, please support the artist and label by purchasing the release]